SOS Children’s Village: Engagement with an Issue of Global Importance

My service activity, the SOS Children’s Village, is directly related to the engagement with the issues of global importance. More specifically, SOS Children’s Village contributes to reduction of poverty and hunger, achievement of universal primary education, health care, food secure, and reduction of child mortality.
Few months ago, we had a conference devoted to service presentation. There was so much choice about different important service options that it was quite difficult to make a decision about what is most interesting for me. After long hesitation about what to choose, I have finally signed up for SOS Children’s Village.
SOS Village in Sri Lanka:

Reduction of poverty and hunger

SOS Village is an organization which takes care of children who have become orphans due to different life circumstances. If one links it to the first MDG, eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, taking these children SOS Village saves them from starvation and provides them with a decent standard of living.

Achieve universal primary education  

One can also relate SOS Village to the second MDG, achieve universal primary education. Caretakers there provide primary education for these children and not only primary. SOS Villages operate kindergartens, primary and secondary schools. As a confirmation several service appointments in the middle of December were cancelled because children had annual exams (as an academic year ends in December in the Sri Lankan public education system). 
See more at:                   

Health care

As was previously said SOS Village provides children with a decent standard of living and sanitation, healthy environment which ensures strong immune system and better health. Children are vaccinated against dangerous diseases and are well treated if they get ill. However, in some developing countries where the supply of medicine and health care is not well developed, there can be problems. Nonetheless basic health care is provided. Unfortunately I could not find any information about the health care in SOS Children’s Villages around the world, apart from USA.

Food security

Food security is another important global issue which is addressed by SOS Children’s Village. The quality and quantity of food play a significant role in the development of children and directly contribute to children’s health. Even though there can be problems with food in some countries because of economic decline worldwide, SOS Children’s Villages still provide food security and sufficiency for children. These organizations do everything that is needed to provide children with adequate meals during a day.

Reduction of child mortality

All above mentioned issues, such as reduction of poverty and hunger, sustainable health care and food security, contribute to reduction of child mortality. The SOS Children’s Village helps thousands of children, giving them a loving home and family. Children are given everything what they need to live a full and happy life. Children are looked after by incredibly kind, loving and caring people.
As regards our service group, we mostly participate in the physical development of children. We swim together and train them with the basic techniques. Our school is located in Sri Lanka where there is always pleasant and warm weather. Therefore, swimming sessions always take place apart from the days when there is thunderstorm or strong rain. 

Taha is playing with boys during the swimming pool session; Photo Credit: Charulatha Pitigala
Our serving group is playing and teaching children during the swimming pool session; Photo Credit: Charulatha Pitigala

Our service group is playing volleyball in the pool with the children; Photo Credit:Charulatha Pitigala
One of the boys is getting ready for the jump; 
Photo Credit: Charulatha Pitigala
Girls are 'fighting' for the ball while playing volleyball; Photo Credit: Charulatha Pitigala


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