www.mygoals.osc.lk Next Monday on 26 th of January I am going to the Week Without Walls trip. I am in the Coast to Coast group which is about cycling and exploring Sri Lankan rural areas. These are my main goals for the coming trip: Overcome challenges(more exactly, cyclophobia; http://www.phobiasource.com/cyclophobia-fear-of-bicycles/ ) and achieve new skills in cycling Try myself in a group cycling and cycling on the roads with other vehicles Get to know 10 th -graders better Explore other parts of Sri Lanka Get more fit I know I'll stay alive I've got all my life to live I've got all my love to give and I'll survive I will survive! Hey, Hey! Peter Bluck, leader of Action Lanka ( http://actionlanka.com/ ), instructing the OSC group on how to best ride a cycle in mid- January; He accompanied our group to Arugam Bay on the WWW trip; The author (me) is on the left side of the image; Photo Credit: Ian Lockwood