Credits: Ninon Savostianoff SOS VILLAGE SERVICE: Milkshake Sale In the beginning of November our service group organized a milkshake sale in order to raise some funds to buy sport supplies for the children from SOS Village and organize a Christmas outing and presents for the children we particularly work with. During one of the organizational sessions we have identified the date and distributed the responsibilities. Each member of the group was to bring an ingredient to make milkshakes such as Oreo cookies, Nutella, milk, ice cream and blenders. This way, we had equally shared the responsibilities. We decided to have four types of milkshakes Oreo chocolate, Oreo vanilla, Nutella chocolate and Nutella vanilla. During the sale I was responsible for making the Nutella shakes. The feedback regarding the milkshakes was very good. I am glad that everyone appreciated our milkshaking skills. The revenue from this sale was one the highest we have gotten during th...