SOS Village: Welcome to OSC! The excitement, joy, felicity and at the same time fear: cocktail of emotions could be seen on their faces. They didn’t just jump into the pool but experienced something they probably desired to experience for a long time… I cannot tell exactly what prompted me to join this service again. To be honest, it was always a challenge for me to deal with children (especially if I don’t really know them). You never know what will be their reaction, what they will like about you and what they won’t like. Do they consider you a friend with whom they can be open and trustful? Or do they think you are scary? Are they bored? Do they understand you? Yeah, sometimes these questions still appear in my mind but much more rarely in comparison with the previous year. During one year of being engaged in this service I became more confident, open and initiative . Now when I am aware of specialties and features of this organization and children who are the part of its...