DP Orientation Trip What? How? What for? Our grade is sliding down waterfall; Photo Credit: Unknown When I first time heard about DP Orientation Trip I was surprised... no... I was shocked! Jumping from the cliff, abseiling, rufting...All these words were just words for me before I was told that we are going to do it. My mom was shocked as well. I am not sure whether it was fear or excitement. But after I have jumped from the cliff I surprisingly fell...freedom. I imply to think that DP Orientation trip was organized mainly to rally us. We need to be united and communicate to survive during next two tough years of IB Diploma program. This trip was like a model of diploma program. We were given different extreme situations which we needed to overcome. For example, we needed to "hear" each other and row synchronically to succeed in rufting, or we needed to be very concentrated and careful, listened to what our instructors are saying, coped with panic to abseil,...